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Customized Reiki Session: Energy Reboot - Decondition to Reprogram

Customized Reiki Session: Energy Reboot - Decondition to Reprogram

Regular price $111.00
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Custom Reiki Treatment

Reboot Your Energy, Reprogram Your Life

Are you feeling stuck, drained, or overwhelmed? Imagine having the power to reboot your energy and reprogram your mind for success, clarity, and joy. Our Customized Reiki Session: Energy Reboot is designed to help you break free from old patterns, rejuvenate your energy, and create a vibrant, empowered life.

What is a Customized Reiki Energy Reboot?

In this transformative session, you will work one-on-one with Brie from a distance. As a Reiki Master and spiritual healer, I’ll harness the power of Reiki to help you release old conditioning and reprogram your energy for optimal well-being. This session is perfect for anyone looking to clear energetic blockages, reset their mental and emotional states, and embrace a new way of being. 

Benefits of our Energy Reboot Reiki Treatment:

  • Energy Clearing: Remove stagnant and negative energies that may be holding you back.
  • Mental Clarity: Gain insight and clarity, helping you to see your path more clearly and make empowered decisions.
  • Emotional Release: Let go of old emotional patterns and traumas, making space for new, positive experiences.
  • Physical Renewal: Experience relief from physical discomfort and enhance your body's natural healing processes.
  • Spiritual Alignment: Realign with your true self and higher purpose, fostering a sense of inner peace and fulfillment.
  • Personal Empowerment: Reprogram your mind and energy to support your goals, dreams, and aspirations.

What to Expect During Your Session:

  • Initial Consultation: Begin with a discussion about your current challenges and goals.
  • Energy Assessment: Brie will intuitively assess your energy field to identify areas of imbalance and conditioning that need to be released.
  • Customized Reiki Healing: Using her expertise, Brie will channel Reiki energy to clear blockages and reset your energy. Once cleared, we’ll begin the reprogramming process by infusing your desired intentions into the reiki energy. 
  • Post-Session Guidance: Receive personalized insights and recommendations to maintain your new energy state and support your ongoing transformation.

Customized Treatment Options:

All of our “Customized Reiki Sessions” require booking the service at a specific day/time and are available in two options for service type/pricing. You will NOT receive anything physical! This is for distant energy healing.

Option 1) Live Video Session (via Google Meet): This option is more interactive and “tangible”, since we’ll be in direct communication with visual contact. 

Options 2) Post-Treatment Summary: This option limits the interactive quality, as the session will not be recorded. However, I will gather specific information and energetic criteria from you beforehand, and together we’ll tap into the Morphic Field as you relax during the specified time. Then afterwards, you will receive a post-treatment summary report following our session. 

Upon ordering a healing session, you will be able to download a digital instruction so that you can prepare for the session and understand what awaits you. I do not have my booking service set-up yet, but if you’re interested, I’d be happy to schedule this with you via email:

Why Choose Stella Sage?

Stella Sage combines cosmic insight with earthly wisdom to offer a unique and powerful healing experience. As a Reiki master and self-taught astrologist, Brie’s deep understanding of energy work and intuitive guidance ensures that each session is tailored to your specific needs. Her compassionate presence and transformative energy create a safe and nurturing space for profound healing.

Book Your Session Today!

Don't wait to reboot your energy and reprogram your life. Take the first step towards a renewed and empowered self, and book your Customized Reiki Session and experience the transformative power of energy healing.

Embrace the opportunity to release old patterns and become a new way of being. Your journey to a vibrant, empowered life starts here! 🙌💖

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